Taxes, fees and other applicable charges extra, and subject to change. Requires post-paid subscription to Xfinity Internet, excluding Internet Essentials.
and in this economy, I completely understand the dollar store purchase.Not available to current Xfinity TV customers. Dollar store toilet paper is just so incredibly rough. I have regular store toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and toilet paper. I like the dollar store, I really do, but I don't think that any of my bathroom necessities come from there.
To me, buying AppBox Pro is like going to the dollar store. AppBox Pro seems to be expanding too, which will give you even more bang for your buck. You may not wow anyone around you with your new cool apps, especially the Samsung user who will laugh at you for having the same looking apps, but each one will be quite functional. a potential $10-20 purchase of all the apps included. You're now looking at a 99 cent purchase of AppBox vs. Instead of having these apps already hiding in your Applications folder in iTunes, you would have to go out and buy all of them individually. Just imagine being a new user to the iPhone.

On the other hand though is the extreme value you get from buying AppBox. I also won't have to deal with the hassle of going into another app to see the apps. I can basically build a page on my iPhone with a prettier interface that has all the same apps, just twice as polished. Sure, getting them again is really no issue, but some of the other 3rd party apps, especially the two listed above, are far more polished that the app AppBox has to offer. I like the AppBox Pro version of the unit convert app, but chances are you probably already have Convertbot or Convert. If you, like me, have had an iPhone for a few months to going on a few years, chances are you have a bunch of these apps already on your phone. should you buy AppBox Pro for 99 cents? Yes and no. While all of these apps are useful, my big problem here is that they just aren't all that pretty, and they are all within another app, making getting to them a bit tricky. The cinometer app (a level utility) is definitely my least favorite because I couldn't get it to work right, but the problem may lie in the fact that nothing around me is perfectly level. Most of the apps within AppBox Pro are pretty well made, with the unit converter app being my favorite of the bunch. It really is an app that is trying to cannibalize all other apps of its kind. Past the visual experience, you'll quickly notice upon opening that you now have a new battery life meter, a cinometer, a currency calculator, a new flashlight app, a new unit converter app, a tip calculator, and so much more. It's not dreadful, but the UI looks like it belongs on a Samsung phone, or something of the sort. Its familiarity ends though when you look at the cringe worthy bright neon, 80's looking background. Opening up AppBox Pro, you are greeted with a screen, much like a regular Apple home screen, is loaded with icons, four across and five down.

AppBox Pro, to my knowledge, is the first app that attempts to destroy all (at least most) cheap utility apps in its path, and in the process, is the most expansive app I own.
There comes a time though, and that time is today, that the top app in the app store is so expansive that I just don't feel right about doing a full review. I also like having the top paid app in the app store reviewed at all times, so that if anyone wants to know what the big deal is, we, as 148apps, can tell them. the ones where I exhaust every ounce of life out of an app before I put it anywhere near the review section of the site.