In a study of mildly dehydrated children with diarrhea and vomiting, those offered diluted apple juice were 6.5% less likely to need fluids delivered via their veins than those given a medicinal electrolyte drink ( 4). In fact, some pediatricians recommend half-strength apple juice - a mix of half juice, half water - for sick kids who are mildly dehydrated and at least one year old ( 2, 3). This makes it easy to consume - especially for those who are sick and at an increased risk of dehydration ( 1). There’s also sorbitol in apples which smoothens the digestive tract, thus, allowing for an easy movement of the stool.Apple juice is 88% water and tastes good. Having this substance together with fiber and other stimulating minerals will relieve the symptoms of bloating, cramping, constipation, and diarrhea.
With organic farming, this will not be a concern since organically-grown fruits are free from pesticides. It’s beneficial to farmers – A lot of farm workers have acquired pesticide-related illnesses during conventional farming.

Organic apples are harvested later than conventional ones, making the former tastier even when bottled. It tastes better – Organic apples and conventionally-raised apples have a big difference when it comes to taste.This is not a point of worry when it comes to apple juice. Research groups have concluded that the use of pesticides can cause cancer, ADHD, hormone disruption, eye/lung/skin irritation, and brain and nervous system toxicity. It’s free from pesticides – Pesticides are meant to kill living organisms.